Thursday 28 February 2013


A magazine asked all Indonesian musicians to prepare the National Anthem. Supratman thought that he had to compose an anthem. In 1924, he composed Indonesia Raya.

He was born at Jatinegara, Jakarta, on March 19, 1903. After he finished his elementary school in Jakarta, he continued his study in Ujung Pandang and graduated there.

He taught at elementary school for some years, before he worked at a business firm. His heart pressed him to move to Bandung. He become a journalist in Bandung and moved to Jakarta. He was still a journalist when he went to Jakarta. He often wrote about the national movements. The condition at the time touched him. The ill treatment to the people urged him to write a book. The title of this book was Perawan Desa. Perawan Desa criticized the colonialist so the Dutch forbade its circulation. The Indonesia Raya that was only sung by the boy-scout, finally sung widely in the Youth Congress in Jakarta. The Congress was held on October 28, 1928.

With a violin in his hand, Supratman played the song beautifully in front of the Congress participators. They were all very satisfied and clapped hand happily. Since that time on the Indonesia Raya was always sung at every meeting, even though the Dutch prevented. Besides producing the Youth Oath, the congress declared the Indonesia Raya created by Supratman. After the proclamation of the independence, Indonesia Raya was confirmed as the National Anthem. Supratman died in Surabaya on August 17, 1938 when he was only 35 years old.

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