Thursday 28 February 2013


As a living thing an animal tries to live on and multiply itself. Besides it also has an instinct to defend itself from dangers. Weak animals have their own ways to free themselves from their enemies. To chase its enemy a house mouse sprays a very bad smell. A cuttlefish sends out black liquid when it is attacked. A small lizard cuts its tail to free itself from an attack. Its tail will grow again in a short time. A crab, ten leg shellfish, has a pair of pincers to protect itself. Another animal that has a pair of pincers is a lobster. Lobsters an crabs are called crustaceans. Their pincers are use to grip things.

A hedge-hog rolls itself up into a ball to defend itself. The spines that covered its skin are also dangerous weapons. To protect themselves all poisonous snakes spray their poison. Large snakes will wrap their enemies with their bodies. Sometimes a snake bites its enemy to protect itself from a danger. A snail hides itself in its shell when a danger comes. An eel's skin is very slippery because it is covered with mucus. The mucus is used to defend from seizure. A chameleon changes colour according to the place where it exists. In a tree it changes color to green, so that it can't be seen easily. A tree-frog uses its urine to expel the enemies.

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