Thursday 28 February 2013

The Hospital

A hospital is a place that provides care for the sick and injured, It offers a wide variety of medical services for its patients. The hospital also serves as a centre for health related research within the community.

The discovery of anesthetics made modern surgery possible. The realization of the necessity for antiseptic halted the spread of disease and infection within hospital walls.

By the end of 19th century the hospital had assumed its modern structure and was beginning to the central axis around which all other health-care systems were organized.

Hospitals are classified by the kinds of services they offer. General hospitals are equipped to treat a variety of common diseases and injuries. Special hospitals are established to treat specific maladies or specific groups of patients. Hospital are also classified according to the entity controlling them: a church, a corporation or a medical school.

Advances in each aspect of health care have led to the creation of professional specialities. The specialities have become more important to the efficient care for the sick.

Nutrition, for example was recognized as a contributing factor in the cause and cure of illness. Hospital dietitians now plan meals based on their knowledge of the special dietary requirements for patient suffering every type of illness.

As alcoholism has come to be perceived as a sickness, special units have been added to hospital services. The units treat both the physical and psychological aspects of the disease. The treatment of drug addiction is also a hospital function.

Improved medical techniques have enabled physicians to save the lives of an increasing number of accident victims by special surgical procedures.

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