Thursday 28 February 2013


Robert Wolter Monginsidi was born in Manado in 1925. He was still in MULO when the Pacific War broke. During the Japanese occupation, he entered the Japanese school.

He joined the independence combatants in Ujung Pandang when the Indonesia independence was proclaimed.

When the Dutch landed at Ujung Pandang and other towns in Southern Sulawesi, the armed conflict with the young combatants happened.

The combatants finally founded irregular troops and appointed Wolter as the secretary general. Besides he also accomplished a task as a tactician in the military operations. He often covered up as a Dutch military police and entered the town to spy upon the enemy.

The colonialist suffered much loss in facing the irregular troops. He concentrated his troops at Polombangkeng.

Overcoming the combatants activities, the aggressor performed robust operations. Wolter was trapped and caught, Ten months later he escaped from the prison. The Dutch was panic and accomplished other accurate operations. In nine days the Dutch recaught him.

The colonialist tried to persuade him to work together but he refused distinctly. Finally the Dutch sentenced him to death. He rejected to ask amnesty from the colonialist.

On September 5, 1949, Wolter was shot at Pacinang. With a bible in his left hand and his right hand clenched, he shouted “Merdeka!”. He died as a young hero.

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